Does your neighborhood association, school or civic group want to be involved in cleaning up your community's stormwater?
Marking Storm Drains
Become part of the ACPWQ's Storm Drain Marking Program. By affixing a special "No Dumping, Drains to River" emblem on storm drains, residents and passers-by become aware that what flows down those drains is not treated before reaching the river. The ACPWQ will supply all materials and instruction necessary to mark these drains. Call today to become part of a program that will serve for many years as an important reminder to keep garbage, chemicals, and hazardous waste out of the sewer system.
Adopt-a-Drain is a local volunteer program that provides the public with an opportunity to be actively involved in clearing storm drains. The program strives to improve the water quality of our streams while reducing flood risk in our community.
Volunteer duties include:
- Inspecting storm drains at least once per month.
- Clearing storm drains when needed.
- Completing and submitting Adopt-a-Drain Quarterly Reports on the first day of the month following the quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1).
To apply, fill out the Volunteer Sign-up Form. We will receive notification that you have completed the form and be with you shortly to answer any questions and ask for you to sign a liability waiver. Then, you will be ready to start!
Thank you, City of Bloomington Utilities, for sharing your materials with us so we could create our Adopt-a-Drain program.